Sessions 101-108
ICES Thermal and Environmental Control Systems (TECS) Committee Technical Program Chair
Art Avila
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
▶ICES101: TECS -Spacecraft and Instrument Thermal Systems
This session presents thermal design, testing, and on-orbit performance of near-earth and interplanetary uncrewed/robotic spacecraft, instruments, and payloads, and the application of key new technologies.
Jose Rodriguez, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Hume Peabody, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Wes Ousley, Vertex Aerospace
Doug Bolton, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
▶ICES102: TECS -Thermal Control for Planetary and Small Body Surface Missions
This session focuses on active and passive thermal control for planetary and small body surface missions and instruments utilizing vehicles such as rovers, landers, probes, and rendezvous systems. Also covered is the characterization and modeling of the environment in support of such missions.
Jennifer Miller, NASA Johnson Space Center
Jose Roman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Gaj Birur, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Sean Reilly, Rocket Lab USA
▶ICES103: TECS/IIC -Thermal Control of Commercial and Exploration Spacecraft and Surface Habitats
This session covers thermal control (passive and active) and thermal protection topics for commercial and exploration spacecraft for crew and cargo. Spacecraft may include crew and cargo transport vehicles, habitats, landers, and rovers. Destinations may include suborbital, cislunar space, the Moon, asteroids, and Mars. Programs may include international and U.S. programs such as Commercial Crew and Cargo, Orion, Gateway, Artemis, Human Landing System, and Commercial LEO Destinations, as well as private spaceflight. Topics may include natural and induced environments, dust mitigation, thermal control requirements, design, analysis, verification, testing, operation, and performance.
Tom Leimkuehler, NASA Johnson Space Center
Jose Roman, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Darnell Cowan, NASA Johnson Space Center
Sean Tuttle, Nova Systems / Sigma Space Systems
Andrea Ferrero, Thales Alenia Space
▶ICES104: TECS/IIC -Advances in Thermal Control Technology
This session addresses novel or advanced technologies and development activities pertaining to heat acquisition, transport, rejection, and storage, as well as cryogenic cooling and thermal insulation and protection systems not specific to any existing or future scientific instruments, spacecraft, or planetary systems.
William Johnson, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Philipp B. Hager, European Space Agency
Yann Cervantes, CNES
Jeff Farmer, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Jean-Paul Dudon, Thales Alenia Space
▶ICES107: TECS/IIC -Thermal Design of Cubesats, Nanosats, and Other Small Satellites
Satellites that are smaller than smallsats run into issues with limited radiative surface area and increased power density that make their thermal environment in some ways more challenging than larger satellites. This session presents and discusses the unique thermal concerns pertaining to very small satellites (nanosatellites, cubesats, microsats, etc.). Potential topics include the thermal design, analysis, testing, and on-orbit performance of very small satellites, and the application of relevant key new technologies.
Stephanie Mauro, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Hosei Nagano, Nagoya University
▶ICES108: TECS/IIC -Thermal Control of Cryogenic Instruments and Optical Systems
This session covers cryogenic thermal control as applied in instruments, focal plane assemblies, detectors, and optical systems. This includes relevant passive and active cooling technologies, as well as cryogenic testing facilities, test processes, and lessons learned.
Wes Ousley, Vertex Aerospace
Martin Altenburg, Airbus Defence and Space
Jose Rodriguez, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Sessions 201-207
ICES International Committee (IIC) Technical Program Chair
Martin Altenburg
Airbus Defence and Space
▶ICES201: IIC -Two-Phase Thermal Control Technology
This session presents the latest developments and innovations of two-phase heat transport systems, modeling techniques, and on-orbit performances for space applications. It covers all variants of heat pipe technologies, capillary and mechanically pumped loops, and loop heat pipes.
Frank Bodendieck, OHB System AG
Stéphane Lapensée, European Space Agency
Guanghan Wang, Canadian Space Agency
Francisco Romera, ARQUIMEA SPACE, S.A.U.
Alain Chaix, Thales Alenia Space
▶ICES202: IIC -Satellite, Payload, and Instrument Thermal Control
This session covers the development and design of thermal control systems for satellites, payloads, and instruments.
Johannes van Es, NLR
Romain Peyrou-Lauga, European Space Agency
David Valentini, Thales Alenia Space
Hiroyuki Ogawa, Japan Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Alberto Corbelli, SITAEL
▶ICES203: IIC -Thermal Testing
The thermal testing session focuses on all aspects of thermal tests, test methods, test correlation, and test facilities. Tests for all kinds of spacecraft, instruments, equipment, and materials are of interest. Special attention is given to sharing lessons learned from thermal test and test analysis and correlation activities, and also to innovative test methods, set-ups, and approaches to testing and verification of the hardware and of the analysis.
Gerd Jahn, Airbus
Luke Tamkin, Airbus
Hiroyasu Mizuno, JAXA
Andrea Ferrero, Thales Alenia Space
▶ICES204: IIC/AIAA LS&S -Bioregenerative Life Support
This session focuses on the design, development and operations of ground-based facilities, flight hardware and experiments associated with integrated systems which incorporate biological, physical, and chemical processors for the production, management and regeneration of Life Support resources.
Cesare Lobascio, Thales Alenia Space
Masato Sakurai, JAXA
Paul Zabel, DLR
Mononita Nur, NASA
▶ICES205: IIC/EIC -Advanced Life Support Sensor and Control Technology
This session includes papers describing approaches to monitoring water and air in enclosed habitats, thermal control of habitats, chemical sensors and sensing devices for detection of chemical constituents in water and air, and systems and system concepts for environmental monitoring and control.
Abhijit V. Shevade, Consultant
Timo Stuffler, OHB System AG
▶ICES206: IIC/TECS -Crewed Orbiting Infrastructures, Habitats, Space Station and Payload Thermal Control
This session addresses thermal control on board the current Space Station and future long term, crewed (or crew-tended) orbiting habitats, platforms, or laboratories including their payloads and on-board experimental test prototypes. Topics range from system and component issues with the Space Station, Orbiting Infrastructures and Habitats thermal control systems to thermal aspects of payloads and experiments that utilize the Space Station or other Orbiting Infrastructures and Habitats as a science platform or as a test bed for future exploration applications including advanced thermal control solutions/techniques.
Patrick Oger, Airbus
Matteo Lamantea, Thales Alenia Space
Diego Mugurusa, Collins Aerospace
Dale Winton, Honeywell International
▶ICES207: IIC/TECS -Thermal and Environmental Control Engineering Analysis and Software
This session addresses thermal and environmental control engineering analysis and software. This may include novel user experiences with existing tools, new tool and utility developments, improvements in existing commercial tools, cross-discipline tool integration and data exchanges, as well as any other software or analysis related topics.
Henri Brouquet, ITP Aero
Matthew Vaughan, European Space Agency
Hume Peabody, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Sessions 300-308
ECLSS & ISRU Committee (EIC) Technical Program Chair
Grace Belancik
NASA Ames Research Center
▶ICES300: EIC -ECLSS Modeling and Test Correlations
This session reports on applications and advances in modeling physiochemical and biochemical life support processes and tests, as well as in numerical modeling of fluid flow phenomena, cabin ventilation, and composition distributions in closed space habitats, such as the International Space Station, exploration spacecraft, the deep space and lunar and Mars habitats, and commercial crew spacecrafts.
Chang Hyun Son, The Boeing Company
Nikolay Ivanov, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic Univeristy, Russia
Cynthia Reuland, NASA Johnson Space Center
Asuka Shima, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Thomas Chen, NASA Johnson Space Center
▶ICES301: EIC -Advanced Life Support Systems Control
This session reports on advanced life support system control topics, such as controller technology; control theory and application; autonomous control; integrated system control; control software; and modeling, simulation, and emulation for control development.
Cynthia Reuland, NASA Johnson Space Center
Chang Hyun Son, The Boeing Company
Asuka Shima, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Amy Caldwell, The Boeing Company
Leon Chen, The Aerospace Corporation
▶ICES302: EIC/ICS/IIC Physico-Chemical Life Support -Air Revitalization Systems -Technology and Process Development
This session addresses research, development, and enhancement of physico-chemical technologies and systems associated with Air Revitalization Systems (ARS). Integration of these systems in closed loop life support applications such as space vehicles and habitats, recent findings and performance of on-orbit systems, cross-cutting applications of ARS technologies, and approaches to reducing mission costs and improving overall mission logistics associated with ARS technologies are also presented.
Grace Belancik, NASA Ames Research Center
Morgan Abney, NASA Engineering and Safety Center
Jim Knox, Knox Analytical Solutions
Patrick Oger, Airbus
▶ICES303: EIC/IIC -Physico-Chemical Life Support Water Recovery & Management Systems Technology and Process Development
This session addresses research, development, and improvement of physico-chemical technologies and systems associated with Water Recovery & Management (WRM) Systems to include water quality management. Integration of these systems in closed-loop life support applications such as in-transit space vehicles and planetary missions on the Lunar or Mars surface are discussed. Advanced technologies (e.g. regenerative systems and fluid mechanics) that aim to reduce mission costs and improve overall mission logistics associated with water recovery system technologies are also presented.
Tra-My Justine Richardson, NASA Ames Research Center
Andrew Jackson: Dean Muirhead, Barrios Technology
Petr Andreychuk, RSC Energia
Alex Román, Blue Origin
Giorgio Boscheri, Thales Alenia Space Italia
▶ICES304: EIC/IIC -Physico-Chemical Life Support Waste Management Systems -Technology and Process Development
This session addresses research, development, and enhancement of physico-chemical technologies and systems associated with Solid Waste Management Systems (SW). Integration of these systems in closed loop life support applications such as space vehicles and habitats, recent findings and performance of on orbit systems, cross cutting applications of SWM technologies is discussed. In addition, approaches to reducing mission costs and improving overall mission logistics associated with SWM technologies are also presented.
Ray Pitts, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Annie Meier, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Tra-My Justine Richardson, NASA Ames Research Center
Michael Ewert, NASA Johnson Space Center
Ashley Schuster, Collins Aerospace
▶ICES305: EIC/ICS/AIAA LS&S -Environmental Control of Commercial and Exploration Spacecraft
This session seeks papers that describe the design, operation, and performance of reliable and cost-efficient environmental control systems and subsystems for crew and cargo transport, space stations, deep space habitats, other space vehicles, and exploration spacecraft.
Jordan Holquist, Paragon Space Development Corporation
Tony Rector, Blue Origin
David Williams, NASA Johnson Space Center
▶ICES307: EIC -Collaboration, Educational Outreach, and Public Engagement
This session features papers that link human activities in space with human activities on earth. It includes innovative collaborations and networks among industry, academia, government, and the public to address global and local challenges on Earth and beyond. We invite papers in which educators and students, contractors, researchers, and other innovators present new approaches for linking students, vendors, and the general public to STEAM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and the human exploration of space.
Lucie Poulet, Université Clermont Auvergne
Dean Muirhead, Barrios Technology
Mary Lou Nadeau, Aerodyne Industries
Rogelio Garcia Fernandez, Jacobs Technology, Inc.
▶ICES308: EIC -Advanced Technologies for In-Situ Resource Utilization
This session seeks papers that address analyses, research, development, modeling and operation of In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) technologies and systems that relate to similar Environmental Control and Life Support capabilities and needs for mission sustainability. Examples include water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and trash/waste collection and processing for mission consumables, resources management, production of propellants, plastics, and chemicals, as well as product contaminant removal and quality assurance for crew consumption.
Christian Junaedi, Precision Combustion, Inc.
Jordan Holquist, Paragon Space Development Corporation
Sessions 400-407
ICES Crew Systems (ICS) Technical Program Chair
Shane McFarland
NASA Johnson Space Center
▶ICES400: ICS -Extravehicular Activity: Space Suits
This session covers topics related to space suit pressure garments. It includes advanced development work for the spectrum of missions including micro-gravity EVA operations in low-Earth orbit, cis-lunar space, and deep space Mars transit; long-duration surface campaigns; and launch/entry/abort pressure garments for multiple vehicles, as well as sustaining engineering and lessons learned on the ISS Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space suit assembly (SSA).
Jinny Ferl, ILC Dover
Kristine Davis, NASA Johnson Space Center
Zach Fester, NASA Johnson Space Center
Kayla Daniels, ILC Dover
▶ICES401: ICS/AIAA LS&S -Extravehicular Activity: Systems
This session includes topics describing aspects of EVA systems, technologies, and studies that envision the space suit as a system. Concepts and testing of advanced space suit systems are also included.
Keith Splawn, ILC Dover
Brian Alpert, NASA Johnson Space Center
Eric Valis, ILC Dover
▶ICES402: ICS -Extravehicular Activity: PLSS Systems
This session covers topics describing design studies and new technology development or significant experience and lessons learned with existing systems in the area of portable life support systems and associated support hardware. Also, this session will deal with emerging technology and concepts for use in and from Orion or other exploration platforms.
Kelly Luker, Collins Aerospace
Noah Andersen, Jacobs
▶ICES403: ICS -Extravehicular Activity: Space Suit and Surface Mobility Operations
This session addresses extravehicular activity (EVA) and surface mobility operational activities and simulations along with dynamic flight suited phases on International Space Station (ISS), analog or field studies, and future human missions. This may also include, but is not limited to, lessons learned during operations iS preparation, such as logistics, maintenance, training, and flight controlling.
Cinda Chullen, NASA Johnson Space Center
Christie Sauers, NASA Johnson Space Center
▶ICES404: ICS -International Space Station ECLS: Systems
This session addresses ECLS System issues and lessons learned from the International Space Station.
Steven Balistreri, The Boeing Company
John Cover, NASA Johnson Space Center
▶ICES405: ICS -Human/Robotics/Artificial Intelligence System Integration
This session addresses the research, design, development and testing of human and non-human agent integration for space exploration applications. Specific topics could include wearable robotics, artificial intelligence agents, human-robotic teaming, and human-automation interaction and task allocation. Topics ranging from modeling approaches to experimental investigations to operational results are of interest. Relevant application domains include simulations, laboratory and analog field testing, and spaceflight experience.
Amy Ross, NASA Johnson Space Center
Dr. David Akin, University of Maryland
▶ICES406: ICS/EIC -Spacecraft Water/Air Quality: Maintenance and Monitoring
This session focuses on recent results from flight and ground-based chemical analyses of spacecraft water and air samples along with recent developments in spacecraft water and air quality monitoring technology.
Michael Callahan, NASA Johnson Space Center
▶ICES407: ICS -Extravehicular Activity: Emerging Space Suit Technologies
This session covers topics related to emerging, low technology readiness space suit pressure garments and related technologies. It includes investigative work to evaluate conceptual or technological feasibility of future space suit designs, systems, platforms and mission scenarios/operations.
Brad Holschuh, University of Minnesota
Shane Jacobs, David Clark Company Incorporated
Sessions 500-513
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Life Science and Systems (AIAA-LS&S) Technical Program
James Nabity
University of Colorado-Boulder
▶ICES500: AIAA LS&S/EIC -Life Science/Life Support Research Technologies
This session emphasizes research technologies to support space biology, habitation, and life support system design. Life sciences related hardware developments, experiment designs, flight experiment results for crewed spaceflight, uncrewed systems such as free flying platforms and planetary spacecraft, and terrestrial analogs are of interest. Other specific topics of interest include the integration of defined cultures of algae and other micro-organisms -production, processing, refining, utilization and disposition of algal and microbial biomass including GMOs; novel algal and microbial products and applications; and engineering and control of bioprocess systems for space flight and long term planetary systems.
Bob Morrow, Sierra Space, Retired
John Wetzel, Sierra Space
Joe Klopotic, Sierra Space
Tobias Niederwieser, University of Colorado Boulder
▶ICES501: AIAA LS&S -Life Support Systems Engineering and Analysis
This session addresses all aspects of the systems engineering, analysis, and development of space life support. It includes identification of alternatives, modeling and simulation, trade studies, and optimization the mission scenario, management approach, systems architecture, technology selection, detailed design, integration, testing, and operations. The overall objective of systems engineering and analysis is to guide the creation of effective systems that meet the performance, risk, cost, and schedule objectives.
Andrew Owens, NASA Langley Research Center
James Nabity, University of Colorado
Chel Stromgren, Binera, Inc.
▶ICES502: AIAA LS&S -Space Architecture
This session focuses on the application of architectural principles to the design of facilities beyond Earth (orbital, lunar, planetary, deep space and interplanetary), to provide supportive and comfortable living and working environments, mission risk management, and enjoyment of life, in full recognition of the technical challenges presented by the environment. Relevant topics include: Configurations and structures; Construction and robotics; Habitability design, including food and clothing; Human factors integration; Gravity regimes; Integration of life support systems within space habitats; Analogues, mockups, simulators, and field trials; Terrestrial applications to extreme environments and groundbased facilities; Education for space architects; Space Architecture as a discipline; Sustainability from space to Earth.
Sandra Haeuplik-Meusburger, TU Wien | spacecraft Architektur
Georgi Petrov, Skidmore Owings & Merrill
William O’Hara, Blue Origin
Adam Oswald, Blue Origin
▶ICES503: AIAA LS&S -Radiation Issues for Space Flight
This session addresses major issues in space radiation and analysis, tools, and research that are being developed and applied to support the space exploration initiative to insure astronaut and avionics radiation protection and safety.
Ron Turner, ANSER
Shirin Rahmanian, NASA Langley Research Center
Ramona Gaza, Leidos
▶ICES504: AIAA LS&S -Management of Air Quality in Sealed Environments
This session enables experts who manage sealed or semi-sealed environments such as submarine, spacecraft, and airliner air quality and mining sectors, to share new research findings on the control and management techniques of air pollutants. This session is open to papers on air quality standards, hazards associated with specific compounds, and monitoring / management of those compounds to protect the health of crew and passengers.
Tina Goodall, UK Ministry of Defence
William Wallace, NASA JSC
▶ICES506: AIAA LS&S -Human Exploration Beyond Low Earth Orbit: Missions and Technologies
There are many potential destinations for human exploration beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO), each with specific mission requirements, capability needs, and other attributes that may be common or unique. This session addresses mission designs, technology needs, vehicle systems and analyses for sending humans to destinations beyond LE0 and into deep space. Discussions involving Gateway, cislunar space and lunar missions are of great interest, but other missions including Mars transit and Martian surface are also relevant. Potential subjects include mission requirements, concepts, integrated ground testing including humans-in-the-loop, test beds and analogs, technology development needs, technology requirements, challenges, gaps and candidate system designs. Special attention will be given to Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS), habitability, mission architecture, concepts of operation, trade studies, unique environmental considerations and planetary protection.
Dawn R. Whitaker, Purdue University
James Chartres, Millennium Engineering & Integration (MEI)
Dean Muirhead, Barrios Technology
Leon Chen, The Aerospace Corporation
▶ICES509: AIAA LS&S -Fire Safety in Spacecraft and Enclosed Habitats
This session covers all aspects of fire safety in closed environments including prevention, ignition, detection, flame spread, and suppression. Relevant subjects include material control for fire prevention; fire suppression; fire detection; fire signatures and toxicity; post-fire cleanup; risk assessment; material selection; fire related combustion research; lessons learned and design status of current systems; and life support and control system designs to enable fire detection and suppression. Applicable environments include EVA suits; past, present, and future space transportation vehicles; different gravitational levels; extra-terrestrial habitats; aircraft; ships; and submarines. The research and development studies can be either theoretical, experimental or numerical. Standardization work and case studies are also welcomed.
Grunde Jomaas, ZAG
Gary A. Ruff, NASA Glenn Research Center
David Urban, NASA Glenn Research Center
Claire Fortenberry, NASA Glenn Research Center
Michael Johnston, NASA, Glenn Research Center
Ulises Rojas Alva, ZAG
▶ICES510: AIAA LS&S -Planetary and Spacecraft Dust Properties and Mitigation Technologies
This session focuses on environmental dust encountered on space missions from any source, both inside and outside vehicles and habitats and including dust from planetary and asteroid sources as well as dust generated by humans and their activities. Papers are solicited in the following areas: environmental impacts of dust (internal and external to vehicles), air quality considerations in habitable spaces, dust (planetary and internally-generated) characterization studies and experiments, active and passive mitigation strategies, control technologies (filtration and other cleaning techniques), the effects of dust on susceptible hardware (suits, tools and equipment), and engineering techniques to enhance dust-tolerance. Models and simulations covering the fate and transport of dust are also of interest, including CFD with discrete-phase dust in pressurized volumes and DEM for vacuum environments.
Marie-Christine Desjean, CNES
Juan H. Agui, NASA Glenn Research Center
Marit Meyer, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Gregory Navarro, CNES
▶ICES511: AIAA LS&S Reliability for Space Based Systems
This session covers the design, testing and analysis for system reliability and maintainability. Relevant subjects include risk assessment, verification and validation, accelerated life testing and aging, environmental screening, acceptance testing, and qualification testing. Special attention is given to failure modes and mechanisms associated with electronic devices, mechanical assemblies, chemical processing, and life sciences; and the corresponding impacts on system level performance.
Todd H. Treichel, Sierra Space
▶ICES513: AIAA LS&S -Human Health and Performance Analysis
This session covers the practical application of computational modeling (deterministic and probabilistic) and other methods for the analysis of human health and performance risks, and countermeasure development. Discussion areas include the physiological, biomechanical, and behavioral responses to reduced gravity, radiation, spacecraft environment, planetary environment, extravehicular activity, crew dynamics, ergonomics, work-load, and countermeasure prescriptions (exercise and non-exercise).
Claas Olthoff, University of Stuttgart
Jonathan Metts, Blue Origin
Richard Whittle, University of California Davis